A Drinking Club With A Running Problem
Phoenix Hash House Harriers

Luau 2014


The Phoenix Hash House Harriers Luau was on September 6th. It was a successful event and nobody died.


Phoenix Hash House Harriers 20somethingth anal Luau! A super fun hash and pool party with beer, dinner, beer,  an inflatable slip n slide and tons of boozy fun. $22 gets you a night of fun and a nice shirt.

Online rego is now closed. If you would like to attend. please show up to the event with $22 cash.

Saturday, September 6th, 3 PM, Meyer Park.

Pool party to follow nearby.

This is the Slip n’ Slide we rented:00Y0Y_9cixAQgDMHF_600x450

Yeah. It’s going to be a fun evening.


Click here for the event page.